Aquarelle Pascale Lorge Tervuren Marnix 1 
impression jet d'encre
Marnix 1 – Tervuren – Pascale Lorge – tous droits réservés
Impression jet d’encre – exemplaires limités à 20
Aquarelle Pascale Lorge Peintre et artiste visuelle bruxelles studio art en ciel cours de dessin, cours de peinture exposition
Saule Géranium Wezembeek-Oppem – Pascale Lorge – Tous droits réservés
Impression jet d’encre – exemplaires limités à 20
Pascale Lorge, peintre et artiste visuelle de Belgique, directrice du studio art en ciel, aquarelle et impression jet d'encre, exposition tandemm
Marnix 2 – Tervuren – Pascale Lorge – tous droits réservés
Impression jet d’encre – exemplaires limités à 20

More of these works in PHOTOGRAPHS


Pascale Lorge atiste peintre  Exposition Folium chez Tandemm Bruxelles - Monotype
Pascale Lorge – Monotypes – Meise Summer 2019
Pascale Lorge atiste peintre  Exposition Folium chez Tandemm Bruxelles - Monotype
Pascale Lorge- Monotypes Cinquantenaire Summer 2019
art books by Pascale Lorge, painter and visual artist Brussels Belgium
Art books by Pascale Lorge – Folium – Brussels 2020

I am visiting VERY OFTEN the woods, the fields around my house, the parcs around my studio….. I need to hear the birds, to smell the oxygen, to see the green of the leaves, all the other colors, the grass, to be enchanted by the ray of lights in the deep woods, to feel the earth, the mudd under my shoes, to raise my eyes up to the sky, to watch the clouds, their colours, their shapes, to follow their speed, to lie down to see the clouds even better, to feel the warm sun on my skin. My whole body, my whole spirit, is in between the earth and the sky, and FOLIUM is what we offer to you, today…..